Prices of Warsaw sightseeing

Prices Warsaw sightseeing in common European Languages:

until 2 hours – 550 zł/group                                    

themed tours – from 550 zł/group*        

each extra hour – 100 zł/group

guide tours of the interiors of museums**from 400 zł/group (max 25 people)

Necropolis Old or Military Powązki 550 zł/group (max 25 people)

walk through the necropolis takes approx. 1.5 hours

* depends of how long is the tour
** – If tour of the interiors is during your trip – it is free.


 Visiting the museum interiors is only in groups of no more than 25 people.

Warsaw Sightseeing tour takes places in groups of no more than 50 people.

Possible payment in Euro EUR and Dollars USA

We offer services in the following languages:

  • English,
  • German,
  • Russian,
  • Italian,
  • French,
  • Spanish,

If You are interested in sightseeing Warsaw in another language, just write to us.

Is required 3 days in advance to confirm Warsaw sightseeing trips by meil.

In the absence of confirmation of the arrival of the tour is canceled from the system.
In the absence of resigning mail with guide service, after previous confirmation, the organizer will be charged for the amount ordered guide service.

See also…

Sighteeing Warsaw - Warsaw tour guide
Sighteeing WarsawWarsaw tour guide
